A trademark is a distinguishing image, sound, word, pattern, or combination of these that stands for and distinguishes a particular supplier of products or services. It acts as a distinguishing mark of origin, separating the goods or services of one company from those of others, and it offers legal defense against unlawful usage by rivals.
The process for submitting a trademark application is governed by law and typically entails conducting a thorough trademark search and creating a trademark application with accurate information.
To obtain a trademark for a logo, file a trademark application with the appropriate intellectual property office in your country. Please include a clear logo representation, specify the associated goods or services, and the Trademark logo cost. Consult with trademark attorneys for assistance throughout the process.
The owner can file a petition to remove a trademark from the register for cancellation or non-renewal of expired trademark registrations with the appropriate intellectual property office. This typically involves demonstrating valid grounds for cancellation, such as non-use, abandonment, or generalness. The process may involve legal proceedings and a decision by the trademark authorities.
A trademark logo creates a significant impact by serving as the visual representation of a brand. It helps establish brand recognition, instill consumer trust and loyalty, differentiate products or services from competitors, and contribute to a business's overall reputation and market positioning.
A company name and a logo can be registered as trademarks. A company name can be registered as a trademark to protect its exclusive use with specific goods or services. Likewise, a logo can be registered as a trademark to secure exclusive rights to its design and prevent others from using a similar mark.
Copyright 2025 Trademark Registration USA, LLC. Trademark Registration USA provides information and software only. Trademark Registration USA is not a "lawyer referral service" and does not provide legal advice or participate in any legal representation. Use of Trademark Registration USA is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.